The scope covered includes Automated Real-Time Data (ARTiD) collection, Construction Progress Monitoring and Evaluation, and Construction Activity Monitoring.
The concept of ARM is based on the use of mobile technology, integrating it with a back-office central system for real-time data capturing, monitoring, and control to keep expenditure within a predetermined budget. This article presents a conceptual framework for the automated resource model (ARM) for on-site construction cost control. In addition, the trend of information technology in construction demands that all activities including cost optimization be automated and digitalized for better proficiency of the construction professionals and effectiveness of job delivery. The design team and other stakeholders in the construction industry face the challenges posed by the ever-increasing complexity of construction facilities, and the demands of clients to meet their needs within a given budget. Real-time control of on-site construction cost has been a major concern as every client demand value for the money invested in procuring a construction project.