Frau, who is a Bishop, has the Death God's, Verloren�s, scythe. This is a hint at Teito�s mission finding out the truth about the world. His real first name is �Wahrheit�, which means �truth� in German. Fits him well, since he's very, very short. Yeah, they did that.) Fall Group (Ryoya, the Mid-Autumn Fall Festival), and Winter Group (Fubuki:'snow storm').
Examples include the Spring Group (Hana: 'flower'), Summer Group A (Nijiko: 'rainbow'), Summer Group B (Natsu: 'summer'. This is because there won't be seasons after the End of the World as We Know It. When choosing the 35 people who shall repopulate the world after a meteorite obliterates everyone else, the Japanese decide to pick only people whose names refer to the seasonal name of the group.